We did start homeschooling this year. Pre-K is going wonderfully! I know without a shadow of a doubt, this is what God wants us to do. I love my school time with her, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I feel privileged God is allowing me to stay home with my sweet girl. She is excelling too! She is reading! It's been so fun to see her learn. I can't imagine missing it....
Ben has started what's called "DC Day". (Daddy, Chloe Day) He had shirts made for himself and Chloe that proudly display DC Day. Sometimes the days are planned and sometimes "spur of the moment". Chloe loves it! It's something I know she'll not forget as she gets older.
There is a certain peace that has settled over our household that only God could have provided.
"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." It really put things in perspective. It's referring to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. John Macarthur writes..."These people of faith didn't know when they would inherit the promise. They had a life in the land, but did not possess it." "Their faith was patient and endured great hardships because they believed God had something better."
It's been a good summer, looking forward to fall to see what God has for us in this season.....
Hopefully, I'll do a little better posting... :)