Monday, January 24, 2011

The Artist

 We knew she liked to paint, but we had no idea she would love it this much!  We thought a lot about what to get her for Christmas.  We knew we wanted to do a lot of art supplies and things pertaining to art.  She loves creating.  Ben and I talked about getting one of the little "kid" easels that are plastic but he and I both decided she is an adult in training.  We went with the real deal, which included oils and acrylics, yikes! But I'm so glad we did.  She loves it!

This is her first Masterpiece in progress....
The easel came with one outlined canvas to help her get started.

I love the little c.h. at the bottom right corner.

The Bald Eagle
again...I love the little ch at the bottom right corner.

This one is entitled "Birds"
I love that she doesn't put the ch in the same place every time.
It's like a little treasure hunt ...

This one is a house and lighthouse. 
I love that the lighthouse is leaning.
The ch is above the lighthouse.

 This is Herman Hall at Berry College

I also love photographing the artist herself...
I love every detail of her face.

"Give me a museum and I'll fill it." ~ Pablo Picasso

1 comment:

melanie said...

Kim, I love reading your blog and how you keep a record of so many important moments that other wise might be lost in time. Keep it up!