Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ear Piercing

Yesterday, the subject of ear piercing came up.    Chloe was inquiring about when she could get hers done.  I told her I wanted it to be her decision.  I honestly can't stand seeing babies that have pierced ears.  Just my opinion.

Ben and I had talked about this before and agreed.  We would wait until she expressed the desire to do it.  Well, that desire came yesterday.  I explained to her she could use her money to get it done.  When aunt Keli heard me say that she told Chloe that she would take her AND pay for it.

Keli, Kaci, Chloe and I all headed to the mall after I retrieved my camera.  We were so excited.

We got to the mall and to our delight they were about to pierce another little girl's ears.  She looked a couple of years older than Chloe.  Chloe watched intently as the little girl held a teddy bear.  As we watched the earrings go in the little girl started crying.  Chloe quickly decided having her ears pierced was not such a great idea after all.

So...Aunt Keli told her to go ahead and pick out whatever she wanted.  She suggested maybe a necklace would be better.  She ended up spending $34 on accessories which included a beautiful pink flower hair clip and we all left happy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Ride

I normally don't like posting about occurrences I'd rather forget, but I will certainly have more good memories than bad about this one.

We were visiting my daddy today in the hospital.  We had been there a good portion of the day and after talking to the doctor, Kaci, Chloe and I decided to go grab a bite to eat.  We left daddy's room and made our way to the elevator.  Standing there, I was fumbling through my purse in search of my cell phone.  The elevator doors opened and Chloe jumped on.  Before Kaci and I had time to look up, the doors closed!  I grabbed the doors and was able to pry open the outer one but the inner door was locked down.  It was another one of those slow motion moments.

What seemed like minutes were actually only seconds.  As my mind raced, my hands still on the outer doors realizing the elevator was not going to open back up, I heard a very firm, in control, take charge yet urgent voice come from inside the elevator say: "MEET ME DOWN THERE!"    She was calm.  It was me that was panicked.

I stood there for a split second trying to process what to do next, then turned, felt like I nearly pushed Kaci down and bolted for the stairs.  I heard Kaci say, "I'll stay here and get on this one in case she comes back."
I held my breath as I jetted down five flights of stairs.  When I got to the second floor, I opened the door and didn't see her immediately. There was a big group of people standing waiting to get on the elevator.  As I quickly scanned the area again, there she was standing in the corner.  That little bitty girl.  I exhaled.  I had never been more happy to see her in all my life.

After grabbing her and hugging her, the lady standing there told me she had asked her if she needed any help.  She said Chloe told her: "No, I'm going to wait right here."  She was such a little grown up!  I'm so proud of her.

Our girl proved great under pressure!  It was almost as if she had taken charge and reminded me of what to do.

I asked her later how she knew to get off on the second floor and she said: "because I'm smart!"

Kaci thinks she's a genius, so do I!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just a good day to ride her big girl bike at Nana's and feel the breeze through her hair.

"Next to a leisurely walk I enjoy a spin on my tandem bicycle. It is splendid to feel the wind blowing in my face and the springy motion of my iron steed. The rapid rush through the air gives me a delicious sense of strength and buoyancy, and the exercise makes my pulse dance and my heart sing."
~Helen Keller

Saturday, February 19, 2011


By the Grace of God I was adopted. I did not deserve it. I have nothing within me that is worthy of being called "son," yet He adopted me! Chloe, though born by an unknown mother, having been impregnated by an unknown father, left at a government building at one day old, taken to a ran down orphanage, cared for by an unknown nanny was adopted by God's chosen parents! God called us to adopt her. She is His, but raised by us. No longer does she possess the last name of "Fu," but now possesses the last name of Hansard. She is a Hansard! Kim and I will likely accomplish little in our lives, but we were faithful in this measure and we are abundantly blessed.  ~ Ben W. Hansard

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." ~ James 1:27

Friday, February 18, 2011

Playing Hooky

I was reminded again this morning of how quickly time is passing.  As I was getting our girl ready for school she was standing beside me and I suddenly realized how tall she is getting.  I placed my hand on top of her head and then slid it over to me to see how far she is from looking at me face to face.    I told her to stop!  Stop growing!  She's not a baby, nor a toddler.  She's a full fledged 'kid.'  (Although, we do have an 'understanding' that she'll ALWAYS be my baby.)

Her daddy carried her to school and I began to have those sentimental feelings.  Again.

After just a few minutes of the silence in the house I had a great idea.  I'd go have lunch with her at school.

On the way I stopped and got her a Happy Meal and a parfait.  She loves those things.

I got to school right at 12, they had already walked to the dining hall.  I walked in and looked around the room for her.  Luckily, there was an empty seat right beside her.  I tapped her on the shoulder and I wish I'd had my camera.  The smile on her face was priceless.  I sat with her and her friends and she enjoyed chicken nuggets, fries and a parfait.  Her friends addressed me as 'Mrs. Hansard.'  Funny, how after being married ten and a half years that still sounds funny to me.  I sat there and just enjoyed the buzz of the dining hall.   I enjoyed chatting with all her friends while helping open crackers, chips and ketchup.

We finished up lunch then walked back to school.  It's a beautiful walk from the dining hall back to school.  A fairly narrow pebble walkway.  I stepped up on the one foot pebble wall that lines each side of the walkway until one student informed me that wasn't allowed.  I quickly stepped off so I wouldn't get 'in trouble.'  :)

I then asked her if she wanted to leave early.  This is something I know I can't do much as she gets older. But in kindergarten, it is allowed.   I remember one year my mom coming to get me early at school.  She wouldn't tell me where we were going.  We got in the car and drove, for what seemed like forever.  Looking back it was actually only a short distance to Cave Spring.  She drove us to a store called Martha Janes.  She then told me I was going to get to adopt a cabbage patch kid.  Not the plastic kind, the real kind.  The kind you have to say an oath to get.  The cloth kind with Xavier Roberts signature on it.  I still have it.  The doll itself is great but it is the surprise trip with my mom that I'll never forget.  

I want Chloe to have fond memories of her childhood.  I want her to look back and remember things and think 'that was great!'  After checking her out of school I suggested to her that we go spend that gift card she got for Valentine's day.  She, very happily, agreed.   Later I asked her how it felt to 'play hooky.'  She said; "what's hooky?'

It was a great day and memory for me.  Maybe she'll remember it too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hey Honey

Hey Honey,

I don't know where to begin.  These last eleven years with you have been the best of my life.  I remember that first Valentine's day when you were 'courting' me.  I wondered if you would get me anything.  I remember it was a little gift basket so beautifully wrapped.  You have always been so thoughtful.  Much more so than me.  But never doubt my love for you.  It is always there.

You have taught me so much over the course of our marriage.  Like, placing the knives sharp side down in the dish drainer.  Putting the toilet paper on the roll so it rolls over not under. Haha :)

I have no doubt in my mind that God wanted us togevr (together.)  I think you should have loved me way back when, when I first loved you..  Only God would know we would be brought back together.  I do know God's ways are not our ways.  I love the adventure of seeing His plan unfold.

Some of the funniest memories of the last eleven years to me are arguments.  I remember one time in particular angrily rolling the ottoman at you at a high rate of speed and hitting you in the shins with it then stomping off to the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.  You coming back there and kicking it in.  Funny how the lock has never worked properly since.

I must say it is good to be able to look back and laugh about that now.

That memory is rather comical now.  These next few will forever be etched in my mind in a different way...

~The GREATEST memories ~

Tybee Island, June, 11 2000 ~ After leaving church, not telling me where we were going, and driving me all the way to Tybee Island to propose on a pier.  Then turning around and driving me home.  I remember you asking me to grow old with you.

Gatlinburg Tennessee, June, 23 2000 (12 days later) marrying my best friend in a little chapel.  Just you, me, my mother and daddy, Keli and Kaci.  (I wouldn't have had it any other way.)  Then after the ceremony just us eating at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Bruster's Ice Cream, June 2004 ~ Sitting outside on the bench eating ice cream.  The night we decided to adopt a baby in a foreign land.  Our baby.  After a couple of years of praying/dreaming about it this night was the night the final decision was made.  We started paperwork the next day.

My office July, 28 2005 ~ Receiving a call right before 5pm that a picture of our baby was about to be sent to my email.  I remember seeing her face for the first time, not knowing if it was a girl or boy.  I remember printing off a dozen or so copies of that picture.  That one little picture.  I remember calling you and you telling me not to leave that you would be right there.  I then remember you took the photo to Tang's Garden to ask if Fu Bing Xue was a girl name or boy name.  At Tang's you got 'boy.'  You then took it to Golden China and got the answer 'girl.'   We wouldn't know if it was a boy or girl until the following Monday.

Jiangxi Province China October 10, 2005 ~ Holding our baby for the very first time.  I wish I could have relaxed more so I could have remembered every detail of China.  My emotions, however,  proved to be too powerful to remember much.  It seems a bit like a blur.

Waking up December 25, 2005 ~ finding notes with bible verses on them leading to Chloe's crib where I found a beautiful ring.

Tybee Island April 2010 ~  The ten year anniversary trip that included our precious daughter because neither one of us liked the idea of leaving her.

Summer 2010 Leaving church on a Sunday ~ Sitting in our car looking at each other seeing your eyes full of tears hearing our baby talk about God, the Bible and what she had learned that day.

These are just a few of the sweet memories that are forever etched in my mind.  I look forward to every day with you.  Seeing how God is shaping you like clay in His hands.  Shaping us.  I love you so much.  Thank you for loving me. Happy Valentine's Day honey!

"The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday's conversation on the ride home...

Chloe: "Mama, I wish I had wings and a wand that had real magic in it so I could fly."
Me: "Like Mrs. Niedrach?"
Then as she see birds flying overhead adds: "Awe, I really wish I could catch one of those birds.  They are so pretty."
5 second pause, then....
Chloe: "I really wish we could fly on that plane again and go back to China.  I miss China where all my friends are."
Me: "That was a very long airplane ride, but maybe daddy will take us back one day.  Who do you miss?"
Chloe: "All my friends."
Me: "Who? What are their names?"
Chloe: "Well, I don't remember because it was such a long time ago."

"Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."  ~Saint-ExupĂ©ry,The Little Prince