Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chloe's Way With Words....

I absolutely love talking to my daughter these days. She is saying/has said, the cutest things. I've written down most in her baby book, but wanted to share some...Some are current, some are not

Frosty Returns (the movie) = Frosty take turns ~She actually says it right now :(
Computer = Compuyer
Bottom = Ba yum
First = Firsh
Part = Park
(Ben and I use Chloe's version of words in our vocabulary when we are talking to each other...)

Chloe's signature quote..."I will miss you tomorrow". She always tells her Nana & Mimi this on days she is with them.
Margaret actually told Ben she and Larry use her signature quote often to each other. I remember Hannah and Lauren calling covers~cubbers, we STILL say cubbers.

What will I do when she starts pronouncing everything right? I know, Ben and I will still use her version so I'll never forget....

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