Friday, February 20, 2009

Do you want to be free?

I had an incredible time this morning in my bible. Ben always brings Chloe to our bed when he leaves for work. I enjoy this time, she's usually still asleep and I can get some good reading time in. Our Associate Pastor has challenged our church to read through the bible in a year. Of course I'm always up for a good challenge and have never read all the way through it so I thought, I SHOULD do this! I would love to say I've read every word. It's been wonderful! I'm in Numbers and Mark. I'm supposed to read old testament in the morning and new testament in the evening but I always end up reading it at one time. I have recently been loving my Casting Crowns Cd also. I love the song Set Me Free and have never really listened to the lyrics. When I opened my Cd case yesterday I read what that song was about. It's so powerful. The song follows the account of the man with demons...that is...until he meets Jesus!
My reading in Mark this morning was that story! Mark 5:13
God's timing is so perfect! It was just strange/perfect how I just read about that song last night then that was my reading for today.

I've just got to post the lyrics....

"It hasn't always been this way / I remember brighter days / Before the dark ones came / Stole my mind / Wrapped my soul in chains

Now I live among the dead / Fighting voices in my head / Hoping someone hears me crying in the night / And carries me away

Set me free of the chains holding me / Is anybody out there hearing me? / Set me free

Morning breaks another day / Finds me crying in the rain / All alone with my demons I am / Who is this man that comes my way? / The dark ones shriek / They scream His name / Is this the One they say will set the captives free? / Jesus, rescue me

As the God man passes by / He looks straight through my eyes / And darkness cannot hide

Do you want to be free? / Lift your chains / I hold the key / All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me

You are free / You are free / You are free"

The man with demons was a desperate man, the scripture says...

"When he saw Jesus from afar, he RAN and worshiped Him." Mark 5:6

"For He said to him, Come out of the man, unclean spirit!" Mark 5:8

I'm so thankful for this gift of being "Free"....

Wow, I'm in a deep kinda mood.....

The song Set Me Free is below in my playlist if you want to listen....

1 comment:

Terri said...

I have heard that song a million times (and one of my favorites) and never realized that was about the man with the demons from Mark. We just read that passage also. We are trying to do the read through the Bible challenge as a family. We have gotten behind but we are not giving up!! We have been reading more before we start our school work to get caught up. Have a great day!!!