Saturday, March 27, 2010

Light and Dark

During the upward basketball season, the theme was The Light . All of the verses they had to learn were pertaining to The Light. Chloe was given a CD at the beginning of the season to help her learn the weekly verses. Each song is really upbeat and poppish. Every time we are in the car, the CD has to be on. Well, back to the "Light" theme....Ben decided this was a great way to explain to Chloe the difference of "Light" and "Dark" behavior. He would give her some examples of different behaviors and ask her, "Was that Light or Dark?". She loved this game. She actually wanted to play it often.

Now, jump forward to today. Basketball is over, we are in our car driving to Lauren's Soccer game across town. I've grown quiet tired of the CD. I didn't really want to hear it again. I said, "I don't want to hear that stinking CD again!" "I want to hear my music for a while!" Right as I said that, I looked in my rear view mirror at that precious face in the back seat. She looked so disappointed. I had taken the wind right out of her sail. The Holy Spirit convicted me right at that moment. I felt so terrible I had voiced such a horrible attitude. I mean, that CD is scripture! Scripture that my little girl WANTS to hear. How could I be so terribly selfish. I immediately felt led to apologize for my "bad attitude" and offered to put the CD in. She looked at me with those brown, almost black almond shaped eyes and said..."Momma, you know what that was?...That was Dark" I felt about two inches tall. She was right. That was Dark and she had recognized it. Wow, God certainly put me in my place using a little 5 year old girl.

"For God, who said, "let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

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