Saturday, April 10, 2010

Butterflies and Otters

A few months ago Ben took all three of our girls to the aquarium. He ended up buying season passes because it was more economical. Today, we decided, was another good opportunity to go enjoy the wonder of God's creation. Hannah and Lauren didn't go this time. We miss the times with all three. Sadly, the older Hannah and Lauren get, the less we see and get to spend time with them. It's hard on us. It's hard on Chloe, but God is protecting her little heart. I have come to realize that she will be fine. Her life will go on and she'll be waiting with open arms, just like her Daddy and me, when and if they decide to return more into our life.

Since Chloe was a "pro" at this aquarium thing, she was anxious to "show me the ropes." She talked the entire way there, telling me all about the otters. She just couldn't wait for me to see those rat-like swimming animals. I remember strolling her around the big lake in Garden Lakes and seeing creatures that looked like otters. Chloe named those big lake creatures "river-rats". She pronounced it "river-raps".

After the Otters, we were off to see the Turtles. An aquarium employee was there handing out food for the children to toss over the glass to feed them. That was another highlight.

Then came the favorite of the day, the butterflies. I think, if given the chance, she would have stayed the entire time in the butterfly exhibit. As soon as we entered she began explaining to Ben and myself how she was going to try to catch one of those butterflies. I told her if she would just stand still the butterflies would more than likely come to her. And so they did.....

"Then God said, Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens. So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:20-21

The perfect ending to a perfect day was dinner at Genghis Grill. It's a very interesting restaurant. I had never been but Ben had taken all three girls on their last aquarium visit. It's Mongolian dining at its best! When you first enter they give you a stainless steel bowl. You then proceed down a line and place all the items you want to eat in that bowl such as raw chicken, fish, beef etc. You then add in that same bowl all the vegetables, spices, and sauces you want. There is plenty of everything to choose from! You then hand your bowl to the cook who prepares it for you. It was delicious. Chloe was the only one out of the three of us to use her chopsticks.

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