Monday, April 19, 2010

I want to snuggle with you....

Ben has been under the weather for the past couple of days. So as not to spread it around last night he slept in his recliner. It's a special treat for Chloe to sleep back in our room with us so when she found out her daddy was sleeping in his chair in the den, she immediately spoke up and asked to sleep in our room with me.

I know these times will come to an end all too quickly, so I jumped at the chance to sleep with my baby.

As I got into bed she was all giggly and excited. It was Chloe, myself, a webkinz cat and penguin and several pillows. As we settled in, she scooted closer and closer until I finally had to tell her, "Chloe, you're going to have to scoot over just a little." Her reply was, "But mama, I want to be close to you, I want to snuggle with you." Another heart melting moment. So, she slept practically underneath me and I must say, it was some sweet rest....

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